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AudioOut symbol vs Buzzer symbol

17 Posts
#1 · December 28, 2024, 4:30 pm
Quote from feri on December 28, 2024, 4:30 pmIt's not a big deal but to recognize AudioOut in Buzer mode I did this:
if( m_buzzer) { p->drawChord(QRectF( -10, -24, 40, 40 ), -90*16, -180*16); } else { static const QPointF points[7] = { QPointF(-10,-12 ), QPointF(-10, 4 ), QPointF( 0, 4 ), QPointF( 10, 16 ), QPointF( 10, -24 ), QPointF( 0, -12 ), QPointF(-10, -12 ) }; p->drawPolygon(points, 7); } if( m_deviceinfo.isNull() ){ p->drawLine(0,-8, 7, 0 ); p->drawLine( 7,-8,0, 0 ); }
Greetings and best wishes for the holidays.
It's not a big deal but to recognize AudioOut in Buzer mode I did this:
if( m_buzzer)
p->drawChord(QRectF( -10, -24, 40, 40 ), -90*16, -180*16);
static const QPointF points[7] = {
QPointF(-10,-12 ),
QPointF(-10, 4 ),
QPointF( 0, 4 ),
QPointF( 10, 16 ),
QPointF( 10, -24 ),
QPointF( 0, -12 ),
QPointF(-10, -12 )
p->drawPolygon(points, 7);
if( m_deviceinfo.isNull() ){
p->drawLine(0,-8, 7, 0 );
p->drawLine( 7,-8,0, 0 );
Greetings and best wishes for the holidays.
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