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atmega328@R1954 does not correctly use internal pull-up R's


I just tried to use the internal pull-up resistors of the atmega328.
These pull-ups are active, when a bit of DDRx is cleared (pin set to input) and the same bit of the PORTx is set.

The Code is simple:

int main(void)
	DDRD = 0x00;						
	PORTD = 0xFF;						
    while (1)  {}

The expected result shall be, that all pins have the input "1".
The result in R1954 and 08c0792e is that the pin gets only high, when there is something connected on the pin..

PS: It would be great to be able to copy+paste the revision number - especially in the versions 1.2.x 🙂

Hi, thanks.

I had the idea that this was only about pin animation, but I see that PIND is affected.
This issue is solved now.

PS: It would be great to be able to copy+paste the revision number - especially in the versions 1.2.x 🙂

The commit number in Github does not help much.
I think that I will set a number manually.