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App font setting.

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I have installed Simulide on a 4K screen laptop running ubuntu (zorin)

The app font scaling is set to 2.0 and is totally unusable. The fonts are so small they can not be read.
Is there a way to make them bigger?
Screen shoot

Hi. Thanks for reporting.

That limit os 2.0 for scaling doesn't make much sense.
I will change it to 10.

That would be great.

I just pulled the src files and recompiled with a max setting of 5 which worked fine for me.
10 would be much better, since you can now get 8k monitors.

I made the following changes if this helps.

    • mainwindow.cpp line 177/179 changed 2 for 5
    • and ui.appdialog.h line 240 changed 2.000000... to setMaximum(5.000000000000000);

I left the default value at 2 since most users probably do not have 4k monitors on laptops.

best regards

compiling the grc code was a true adventure?


Thanks for the feedback.

compiling the grc code was a true adventure?

Is that a question?
if not, why an adventure?

My dev environment was not set up properly, I also had qt5 and qt6 installed which complicated things. I had to load a bunch of additional dependencies to the ones listed for qmake to work, Then make fell over due to missing fonts. But i got it to eventually compile.

There are still a bunch of warnings which I am ignoring because all I wanted to do is test the font size.  These warnings flash by very quickly when compiling, so hard to see what thewy actually are.

I also discovered something called qtchooser, which allows you to pick which version of qt to use when you have several versions installed. Never knew that existed.

But it was fun 🙂
Glad I could help.


Are you the only person writing the code for simulide? I'm very impressed.

I loaded simulide about 3 years ago and though it needed some improvement.
Now that I have the current version it is better than I could have expected. It's everything I need as a simulator and much easier than spice. 

Let me know if I can ever help.

arcachofo has reacted to this post.

Not sure how the tester builds work and how often they get done. (I'm very new to simulide)

I just downloaded the linux 64 tester build and noticed the font scale factor is still a max of 2, i assume the change has not gone in yet.

When should I come back?  Is there some information about the tester program?


You can have a look at the date (Updated July 3 2024) to know when it was uploaded.

My apologies. I read the date 0307 as the 7th of March. I'm in Australia and we do dates the other way around.

I have downloaded tester build 0307 both windows and linux and can not increase the font scale beyond 2. Using the settings widget on the circuit panel. I see that you changed the range from 0.5 -> 2.0  to 0.2 -> 10.0 but this is not reflected in the settings panel,  the settings panel still only allows 0.5-2.0.

best regards

I think you have enabled font scale to go from 0.2 -> 10 but the ui still has the old settings.

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