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:-1: warning: Failure to find: ../src/application.qrc

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When compiling SimulIDE  with QT 5.15.2 under Windows 10 i get this error:


:-1: warning: Failure to find: ../src/application.qrc


How can I fix that?

To compile: cd to build_XX folder and qmake & make there.

If this doesn't solve the problem please let me know.

'qmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

When compiling SimulIDE with QT 5.15.2 under Windows 10 i get this error:

How did you compile?

There are a lot of qmake.exe on my installation


Quote from arcachofo on June 15, 2024, 4:15 pm

When compiling SimulIDE with QT 5.15.2 under Windows 10 i get this error:

How did you compile?

Build from QT Creator

Build from QT Creator

Ok, then do the same but opening build_XX/ in QT Creator.

Quote from arcachofo on June 15, 2024, 4:19 pm

Build from QT Creator

Ok, then do the same but opening build_XX/ in QT Creator.

Now i get this error:

[Makefile.Debug:1651: runLrelease] Error 1


Which version of simulide are you compiling?

In any case build again and see if it works.

Quote from arcachofo on June 15, 2024, 4:32 pm

Which version of simulide are you compiling?

In any case build again and see if it works.



Build again....same error

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