Simucalc is a simple programmer’s calculator.
It features:
– Decimal, Octal and Hexadecimal displays.
– Binary view with bit toggle by mouse click.
– Configurable data type at bit size.
– Arithmetic, Boolean and bit operations.
– Undo/Redo.
– Save configuration and window geometry.
All displays and bit view are synchronized, and all editable, so you can write/edit any of the views and the rest will be updated.
To clear the displays use any of the arrows at the right of the displays:
You can show/hide Hexadecimal and Octal displays using the corresponding checboxes:
Note that the binary view shows the “active” value, which is the one with the cursor in it.
For example here The cursor in is the value in the midle “4321”, and the binary view shows that value:
If you toggle bits in the binary view then “4321” will change accordingly.
Bit operations like Rotate left/right and 1’s and 2’s complement applies only to this “active” value as well.
Circular Rotation does not do any operation, it is a modifier for rotation operations.
When it is active, the color of rotation buttons change accordingly: